Saturday, April 22, 2006


(The Funeral for a wedding)



华丽的纯白云裳。。。 灿烂的花朵。。。




埋葬在漫天风雪 遥远的迷失国度

*An inspriration from my dream*

Monday, April 17, 2006


Since I'm really out of idea what in life that could share with my friends, hopefully you will enjoy reading this lil piece of my writting.

I've written quite a few chinese poems, its one of my favourite pass time.
the poems below was written about 3 years ago...

沒有人察覺過 這一座堡壘

我從窗內哀哀遙望 卻看不見海闊天空的美
春去秋來 年覆年 日夜輪迴
沒有人知道 也沒有人在乎

唯有雙足纏繞的 是你留下的誓言密語
城裡的牆 還在一塊一塊的沏起
我仍遙望期盼 你卻不再來這裡

我的心裡有一片紫海 有你柔躺在內

飄絮無邊的薰衣草 瀰漫著朦朧的香味

痴痴的纏饒在你髮間 你眉頭擱淺

你是完美的加尼美德斯 而我不夠嫵媚

我在你眼裡似乎存在過 她卻是你永遠的眷戀

你曾說你瘋狂的愛我 她一回來你即對我生厭

我不要 不要做歐菲利亞 我不想為你瘋癲

但是我 又為你流乾了眼淚 還不禁為你奉獻

奉獻我的血肉 一次又一次...

奉獻我的靈魂 一遍又一遍..


你感動 你歡愉 你接收了一切

卻告訴我 你的愛只能留給深愛的她 不能也不想分割一小片

過了多久? 似流乾了我的血液

只覺無言的痛 單薄的腕

我的心中還是那一片紫海 還是你溫柔的躺在內

我的心是碎了 可每一小塊都有你

你還是安穩的 躺在那飄絮無邊的香海裡

Dont get it wrong, the poems are not reflecting any part of my life.
Just that, whatever novels I read I always put myself in the hero/heroin's shoes, always feel the same way they felt.
This inspiration is from 深雪。二姝梦

Sunday, February 05, 2006

potrait of a lady

there's once, i'm checking out some new magazines in a chinese newspaper store, then i saw FEMALE magazine... there's a commercial photo with a lady looking up with a seductive smile on her face. I stunned, for a while i decided to buy... dont laugh at me but, i really buying it for only the picture of a seductive lady i saw.

***I reached home and cant wait to read thru the whole magazine (so that i can do something with it later on...) After all, i tore the picture down from the book, and stick on my wall, sitting infront of it and start scatching...

***thats how i get this, LoL, ok, this is a new update for my blog :D

Saturday, January 21, 2006


**多年來, 我都堅持每晚至少看上一篇文章, 而其中看最多ㄉ是小說...

我看的種類不限, 在我profile中說過, 但最喜歡ㄉ(不分次序)是冒險(武俠)、言情、科幻。小說簡直是我生命ㄉ泉源。

**我ㄉ中文雖說勉強只鉤得上中等程度, 可是對選中文小說方面卻很挑剔, 大有抱持一種寧缺勿濫ㄉ態度。倒不是只看出名ㄉ書籍, 比方出名如 紅樓夢 我也就沒讀過(只看過一些有關文摘, 原文沒讀完, 而這就表示沒閱讀過, 因為對其前因後果並不了解.)
原因很簡單, not my cup of tea. 我選小說ㄉ方式也很奇怪------> 不單注重其 內容, 文法, 也對其男女主角頗為挑剔(個性爽俐ㄉ最好, 相反則不看), 許多書我不看也因為對其人物ㄉ反感或內容ㄉ不滿, 文法倒是其次。不過我是有雙重標準ㄉ (呵呵) 我有3個首選最愛ㄉ作家...

金庸 (武俠)

射雕鷹雄傳--(no idea why射gone= =")


倪匡 (科幻)<---衛斯理系列<----首選 *找不到他ㄉ照片, 只好放他兒子媳婦ㄉ相= =

*****(兄妹) ---->

**亦舒 (言情)

***亦舒年輕時很美很有氣質 可惜找不到照片 ------->

對於以上作家, 我卻每一本都看, 而且不時重複, 連封面都快被我磨爛了。

俗語說: 書本乃精神之糧食, 奉勸諸位時常喊悶ㄉ朋友有空時多多閱讀^o^

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My current's Fav series!

~~ Gokusen~~

**I am so into a japanese series recently, it appears to be some sort of series similiar to GTO (Great Teacher Onitsuka *not sure if i spell it wrong*) if u have heard of it. But it's more fun and hilarious in it's way.

**The series starring Yukie Nakama, who plays the role of the teacher- Yamaguchi Kumiko, who fantasize to be a great teacher but having a surprising background----she's the 4th generation heir of the Japan powerful mafia group, she needs to cover it in order to step in the education world.

**It was so happened that she'd been drawn to be the class teacher of the most unteachable class, which she needs to do alot of hard works to change them to keep them graduating instead of getting sweep away like rubbish by the assistant principal.

The process was so touching til i can't stop rubbing my nose with tissues. Of cause there's many funny things happened too...

MyFriend(Edison) **The funniest thing in the story was her romance towards a cop!

And the cop looks damn a-like with one of my friend, i was so shock when i saw the cop appeared with the similiar look and the similiar expressions!!
They may not look so alike in the pix but they look damn alike in real life (not that i have seen shinohara in real life, but the movements maybe, they are juz so similiar!*Shinohara in the show n edison in real life*)

**Anyway i think its really a nice series, anyone of you who interested or watched, share your feelings, I would love to talk about it. It's time to grab the movie and watch it!! (my advice) :P

Yukie looks so cool here~!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

vampire Posted by Picasa


*** weird, i still remember when i was a teenager, i used to much aware of new thingy. Just look at me now, i'm like a solitude old grannie knitting at home with kitty on the lap. Maybe everyone around me is right, i'm juz too quiet, so now i decided to ROAR out loud~!~~!!

*** This month is really not my month, man, i cant remember how many times i injured myself. It began in a very fine day... .... ...... ........... then i got cut on the thumb because of the stupid water tap. The next week, i was washing the dishes *happily*.... ...... ....... i got cut on the same hand, fore finger-------->water tap AGAIN when i twist it off. THEN! the following week! I was about to jump off my dad's car and i accidently "misplace" my left leg n stucked under the front sit, then another new cut appeared on my cute little toe *CRY*

When 2 weeks after the incidents, i thought mr.Bad luck found his new target. I WAS SO WRONG!!
It was monday evening, i was about to attend my language class with my sister, i was chatting with her along the journey non-stop until i jump off the car and close the car door, *BANG* with my fore finger (which had cut once few weeks ago--> mentioned above) hit by the door frame...
the funny thing is i was nervously waiting for the sharp pain but my sister was still talking (but i cant hear anything though), the pain didnt come but i was very dizzy, blood showering all over my right hand n start dripping to the floor! I quickly rush back in the car (coz too dizzy, afraid if i would faint)...
she still didnt notice," why r u back in the car, we r suppose to attend class..."
"tien, i injured my finger quite badly..."

oh thank god the clinic was so near, i was really not in good condition (if i faint who manage to carry me?? Well, eh hem....=.=")
Thought thats the worst? No! the next day my another finger got hit again, by CAR DOOR AGAIN, now its left hand (still think its kinda lucky not the injured finger).... thank god its not a bad one.
Think everyone got bored of these, but the fact is, the next day (today) again, i got cut on the the left fore-finger. HOPEfully!! (I pray) this would be the last one!! never again! I'm so tired of it.

**One of my sister's friend, KY, he heard that my finger injured twice by the car door, he already laugh his arse off, even want to take pictures and put it in his blog... (ppl now adays....sigh) so i decided to blog it up myself.

**Anyway, this is my first blog, welcome any comment. Hi everyone, and bye for now ^o^